lørdag den 2. juni 2012

Cheap Webhosting

All web hosting services are provided by Plan B Hosting, a Denmark based company, headquartered in Odense, fyn. Our company aims at providing a large number of professional services in the following fields of activity: web hosting, domain registration and quality customer support.

It may sound unbelievable but the majority of the big companies in the web hosting business usually do not invest much in the development of new technologies. Instead they rely on 3rd party solutions and software. Unlike theirs, our hosting software was created, developed and designed in-house by us. Moreover, our business approach is human-oriented in that our client support is a center factor in the quality hosting service that we offer.

Our ready solutions enable small and medium-sized enterprises to gain money from their websites and respective online activities. The online presence in the ever expanding global network allows companies and individuals alike to take advantage of the World Wide Web.

The rivalry between the companies engaged in e-business, especially those in the web hosting industry, raised the stakes so high that the choice of an appropriate data center has come to be a crucial factor in the provision of a quality hosting service. As a valued web hosting client of Plan B Hosting you will enjoy all the benefits of our state-of-the-art data centers

Beside the well-chosen Data Center, we have achieved another good balance: new and fast servers, which work in perfect synchronicity with our web hosting software: Intel Xeon 2.4 GHz Quad Core; 4GB RAM; 2x750 GB SATA in RAID 1 configuration

Daily back-up is available to ensure that the hosted data stays safe.

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fredag den 1. juni 2012

Are you getting everything you can out of your WoW subscription?

Are you getting everything you could be out of WoW? Do you have everything you could ever need? Are you:

 - Making enough gold
 - Using the right keybinds
 - Running the best spec and glyphs
 - Leveling to 85 in 4 days played

My guess is you need help in at least one of those areas, but let's be honest: Most players could use a little help in all of them!

The problem is there's so many guides and addons out there that you could clean out your bank account trying to buy them all. You need something you can be sure will work for you AND you need it at a great price. It sounds like an unrealistic goal, right? After all, you get what you pay for.

But I want to show you how you can get 4 powerful, amazing addons for one low price.

You've probably heard of Manaview before. They've made some great addons over the years. Addons that address pretty much every big need you could have in WoW.

There's Tycoon, the first and only gold addon that can make you 30,000g daily on autopilot.

Impulse, the only ingame keybind and macro manager that teaches you the right way to react 25% quicker.

Edge, the addon that gives you the best possible specs and strategies for whatever you want to do ingame.

And Booster, the original ingame leveling guide that gets you to 85 in just over 4 days played.

These addons are currently selling for a total of $168. They've sold for almost $200 total over the years.

But right now you can get them all for just $127, a savings of 25% and $41. All 4 addons with free updates FOR LIFE! Whenever the game changes, all the addons will be updated so they not only work with new patches but reflect the optimal strategies as the game changes.

Try them for 60 days. If they don't make a huge impact in the way you play WoW, you can return them for a 100% refund.

Seriously, what have you got to lose? This is a no-brainer.

Get the Manaview WoW Addon Suite Here for just $127:

Click Here!

Check it out now!

 PS - This price is insane. I can guarantee this deal won't be around long. Click the link above to make sure you get your copy TODAY before you have to buy all of the addons separately!

Do You Really Need a Guide For FarmVille?

I consider myself to be relatively well educated in the latest generation of social networking site games like Mafia Wars, Vampire Wars, and such. That's why when I started to see these FarmVille guides popping up all over the place I was kind of surprised. I mean, I can see why people might need some tips to get going in games like Mafia Wars, but FarmVille?

At this point though I hadn't actually played the game, but I didn't really think it could be all that complicated. I figured I should give it a shot though, just so that I could say I knew what I was talking about. And I was in for a rather big surprise. In no time, I was out of money and had no crops to plant. I have to admit, there way more to this game than I had anticipated.

I eventually managed to dig myself out of my original hole and out of the red, but I still wasn't making all that much progress. I started to think that maybe I needed to see what these guides were all about. I wasn't really expecting much, but since I hadn't done so well on my own either, I figured it was worth a shot.

So I picked up a guide called FarmVille secrets, and was pleasantly surprised by the tips I found in it. You wouldn't think there were so many ways you could screw up a virtual farm, but believe me, you can. I was still stumbling along at level 6 when I got the guide after 2 weeks of playing regularly. Now I'm the proud owner of a plantation and a level 26 Sultan of Soil. And I still look back at my guide from time to time. If you're having trouble getting into the swing of things in FarmVille, this guide is not a bad investment.

Click Here!

Battlefield 3 Strategy Guide – Why You Need A Good Strategy?

Battlefield 3 is the latest FPS and is massively popular but it is a lot different to other games in its genre and you cannot just go running in and hope to win a match. The game has changed the way you will have success as is it all about teamwork. There are 4 different classes to choose from and you need to make sure that you are playing to your classes’ strengths.
This is probably the biggest reason that people get killed on BF3 because they forget that the strategy the gamer relies on is about teamwork.
The good thing about this is that you can rake up points if you know HOW to assist and even make more points than if you were running about trying to kill the enemy on your own.
Of course for your actual gameplay it is a good idea to know what you are doing and to improve your actual skill with aiming and shooting as well as map strategies it is a good idea to get hold of a good guide.
One such guide is the BF3 Dominator and this guide has been getting some awesome feedback as it gives you a complete guide to all aspects of the game and you just need to follow the HD video guides to become a top player!
Check out the full guide through the link below and you will be able to see a preview of the class guides and how you can get started dominating Battlefield 3 fast:
Click Here!

A Review of the Argon Guide for TERA Power Leveling

Mike Kim and Tony “T-Dub” Sanders are a pair of gamers who are profoundly skilled at power leveling in all kinds of video games. They've grown very skilled at finding the exact path of actions, quests, and places in a video game that lead from first level to maximum in the shortest amount of time. In fact, their characters usually reach maximum level like a flash of lightning – suddenly, stunningly, and powerfully.

Now, they've turned their expertise to writing the Argon Guide, one of the leading guides to TERA power leveling that's available today, you can benefit from their insight. They are highly experienced in power leveling and understand the underlying structure of – now you can use the powerful techniques that they've uncovered to boost your own hero to level 60 in the new TERA MMORPG.

Buying a high quality leveling guide like the Argon Guide is a great way to send your character hurtling up the level ladder, skimming past the boring lower levels in a matter of hours and reaching the exalted levels where the meat of the game is to be found. Rather than needing to study everything out yourself by trial and error, you can benefit from someone else's efforts, and skip right to the results without the weeks or months of experimentation.

The Argon Guide shows the authors' intimate, professional level knowledge of the TERA game at every step. I was skeptical at first, too, but after looking closely at the guide and trying it out, I could see just how effective it is. And with twenty-four hour a day support and continual updates to keep you at the cutting edge of TERA power leveling regardless of the in-game hotfixes, patches, and expansions, you needn't fear falling behind as the game evolves.

Equally crucial are the Argon Guide's focus on finely honed techniques that are 100% legal, with no use of hacking or cheating, and thoroughgoing advice on builds that will turn each class into a juggernaut in either PvE or PvP, all supported by step by step visual aids that clearly and quickly convey exactly what you should be doing at each stage of the leveling process.

The Argon Guide is highly recommended for anyone who wants to avoid the expensive, risky business of hiring power leveling services to max out their TERA characters, take the initiative themselves, and reach level 60 in TERA in a matter of a few highly satisfying days!

Click Here!

Completing Instance Quests While Leveling

Instance quests are an important part of instance leveling on World of Warcraft, and it is entirely too easy to forget about them.  Just about all of the instances in the game of WoW will have quests that can be completed inside of them, so why not double your effort and get several things done while you’re soaking up all that experience from instance leveling?
wow instanceGrabbing Up the Instance Quests
One of the most effective ways to use your time while instance leveling on WoW is to queue for random instances while you are traveling from play to place to collect your instance quests.  DPS classes will be able to gather up a lot of the instances quests this way and still get to enjoy all the benefits of instance leveling, although healers and tanks may need to set aside some time to travel around and pick up the quests.
With the exception of a few instances that only have quests that for either Horde or Alliance, there are generally quests for the instances you end up in.  The best way to go about collecting your instance quests is to figure out which instances you are likely to pull first through the dungeon finder, and then head off in the direction of the entrances to those instances.  In most cases, you will find the quest givers for the instance quests in the cities that are nearby the instance.  However, in some cases you will need to complete some prerequisite quests before you will be eligible to pick up the instance quests.  This is why having a good instance leveling guide like Dugi’s Dungeon Leveling Guide is really a great idea.
Share and Share Alike
If you land in an instance before you had time to go pick up the quests for it, you can always ask your other party members to share the quests with you.  In general many of the instance quests are shareable, except for the ones that have prerequisite quests you have not completed yet.  Many players will automatically share their quests for the instance you are in, and others will share the quests if you only ask.  By the same token, make sure that you share your quests for the instance with your party members.  This is a common courtesy that will make the entire instance leveling experience even better for everyone.
Instance Quests: Content that’s Almost Brand New
Many World of Warcraft players who’ve been playing for years have never experienced the loer level dungeons, which means instance leveling has opened up a whole new area of content for them.  That being said, they probably have not completed the instance quests, either.  This means that leveling a character is now like playing entirely new content instead of repeating the same old quests over and over again.
Even players who have not been playing WoW for a long time will appreciate the many benefits from instance quests, which include better gear and more experience than solo quests.
Click Here!
wow warcraft alliance horde cataclysm leveling guide

SWTOR Leveling Guide

The long history between two opposing forces, the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, goes back over three thousand years. At that time, the Empire first emerged and gained a following large enough to challenge the Republic. Years of combat on various planet systems followed, with an eventual treaty that ended the war but not the enmity felt by both sides. In the years since the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, the Empire and Republic have struggled to maintain a peaceful relationship and the two factions have reached a point where war may be the only option.This is the volatile setting that players find themselves in upon starting their epic Star Wars The Old Republic journey, and they will soon find that their decisions directly affect the progression of the storyline, possibly deciding the fate of the Star Wars universe.

When starting a new character, players have the ability to choose between the Empire and the Republic, with each side also offering four unique classes. The leveling process itself is filled with many interesting elements. Quests have been given the name "missions", and all missions contribute to the SWTOR storyline. Missions for specific classes help explain the story surrounding each class, while group missions are also available for groups of players to accomplish together. The leveling process is made much easier by the existence of a helpful user interface displaying missions, tutorials, and the ever-important experience bar. The map is also a great tool for use during missions. After leaving the starting areas, Flashpoints (often referred to as dungeons) become available, in which players must complete difficult challenges as part of a group. Companions can make the leveling process much easier, as they can craft and gather items for players, even if the players are located on other planets. Space combat is also a process unique to Star Wars The Old Republic, and offers players the option of investigating different planet systems while actively participating in space travel. Starting players should keep in mind that joining a guild can also provide great benefits, such as better coordination in Flashpoints and later raids, and help with professions. The wealth of content and vast expanse of the beautiful Star Wars universe will certainly warrant further research by the player before making important decisions.

When beginning a new MMORPG, a leveling guide is always a very helpful tool. Leveling guides can provide information on quest givers, the order of quests in questline, and tips on how to level more efficiently. Leveling guides are definitely not limited to just leveling, and many have important information for players looking for help with end-game content. Information on abilities, Flashpoints, and raids are also provided in many leveling guides. When choosing a SWTOR leveling guide, the best option for all players, both new and further along in their journey, is SWTOR Savior. This guide contains the most up-to-date details on the leveling process while also including the best information for players who are close to or have already reached the level cap.

Click Here!